Wednesday 2 March 2011

TIT for tat.

Looks like AJ and FG have been having a little photo battle... 
Nice work girls. GG x

Tuesday 22 February 2011

The Bill Mo Bike.

Boy and Girls of Loughborough, I'm back in business... 

It's been a while... What they say about absence making the heart grow stronger must be true! My inbox is brimming with juicy gossip!

I'll start with a story about a particular RAG Rep of good old Bill Mo - CS. What better place to start than with the opening line of the email,

So not only have most of her one night stands been up the bum hole (apparently she likes it that way rather than standard vaginal sex).....but she has had a lot of sexual nights with boys who have girlfriends." 

Quite the charitable citizen I think you'll agree. For reasons I'm sure you can understand CS has earned herself the nickname of  'the Bill Mo Bike'. The numbers she has racked up are quite staggering. Although the Rag office  have refused to comment on the matter, I did wonder whether or not she was participating in some kind of sponsored event. Her bucket is definitely well filled. 

However you feel about this story I am sure we can all agree that the real winner in all of this is - charity!... GG x

Monday 13 December 2010


I have had an interesting request... 

"We need some help, Bakewell's Biggest name Party P (Last years hall chair), has a mystery girl on the go but he is keeping it very close to his chest and not revealing who it is! There is photo evidence below. Please could you help us by posting it on your blog to see if this mystery girl is out there!" 

So boys and girls, if anybody knows anything about this Bakewell Tart do let me know... GG x

Sunday 12 December 2010


After last week's blog post about Aidan J Reed, I have had another bit of gossip in that hits out at the letting agents of Loughborough... 

Notorious agent Nicholas Humphries may want to keep a closer eye on his staff. Self confessed ladies man LJ was recently spotted getting up close and personal in EQ (clearly not LSE) with the promiscuous Nicholas Humphries girl DS. The couple were spotted kissing in the club, before making an early exit, not to be seen for the rest of the evening. Rumors have it that DC took LJ back to his place for an extra special viewing, running through the companies services, which lasted until the early hours.  

Did this helpful employee of the month really appeal to him or will this guy do anything to cut down his rent? 

Charmer or Chancer? You decide... GG x


Fresh from the inbox... 

Masters student and LSE old timer JH got lucky last night and managed to bed the friendly charity worker and popular Royce Hall girl JS! A close source has informed me that JH has admired JS from afar for sometime... "Last night it looks like he got exactly what he was after. He's been grinning from ear to ear all morning and recites the whole story to anyone who'll listen."

Has JH been 'enlarging' some of the details? JS left early this morning without any comment... GG x

He was even nice enough to give her a lift home... 

Saturday 11 December 2010


And there was me thinking Cher's appearance with was the most cringe worthy thing to happen tonight... Rain's very own NH has just popped this little beauty online, honestly... try harder.

Have a great night...GG x 


DC's Hall Chair Mr MW and new Vice Chair EMR have announced that they are in a relationship today. They have made the jump to becoming 'facebook offical' only one week after they started "seeing each other." Friends of the chair say he is delighted to have EMR underneath him (as it were). 

Are they the first incestual committee couple of the year? I think so... GG x

Was this the moment that sealed the deal?